Kids Corner

A game in the fashion of the classic Battleship® game. Players try to "sink" all of the opponent's words.  
Studying is vital to academic performance. At the dawn of a new school year, students get a fresh start to improve upon or continue strong their study habits. Teachers will be rolling out their curricula, and that may feel overwhelming. However, optimizing study skills can boost confidence in...
This is an I Spy puzzle for kids. Locate all of the symbols in the picture.  
Children will soon be trading in the chimes of neighborhood ice cream trucks for the bells of school as summer vacation gives way to the start of a new academic year. August through September is prime back-to-school season, with children all across the country stocking their backpacks and shopping...


The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

PO Box 159
108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313

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