Winter sun, wind and cold temperatures can
bleach and dry out evergreen foliage
damage bark
injure or kill branches, flower buds, and roots.
Snow and ice can break branches and topple entire trees.
Salt used for deicing streets, sidewalks and parking lots is harmful to landscape plants.
As leaves fall in November we can see the branching structure of trees, making this a good time to inspect for tree health. Winter is an ideal time for tree care and maintenance.
Extension Horticulturist and Professor Mary Meyer says start by looking up at your trees to find out how healthy they...
November 01, 2019
Plastic tree guards protect young trees
A reminder to all Yard and Garden News readers (and anyone else ) who struggle with animals feeding on your plants during the winter! Our multiple feet of snow last winter left people off-guard and plants chewed, scraped and girdled by...
November 01, 2019
As horticulture experts, we're always looking for new plants to talk about. And at this time of year when the national award winning perennials are announced, there's always a bit of excitement about it!
Four hardy perennials were recently awarded national recognition. All of...
From hollow heart to soft rot to freeze damage, we've seen a whole host of potato issues this fall. This article provides an overview of these issues and management tips for each.
Hollow heart
Image: Ben...
October 18, 2019
It will be difficult to fully mulch this many leaves and not cause problems
to the turf before going into winter. Collect them and compost off-site.Photo: Jon Trappe, UMN Extension
The leaves are finally turning in the southern half of Minnesota...and that means it's time...
October 18, 2019
Oriental bittersweet (Photo: MDA)
Fall is an excellent time to be checking your property for noxious weeds and invasive plants, according to Gary Wyatt, UMN Extension educator in Agroforestry.
Who's responsible for removing these invaders? " Minnesota property owners are...
October 04, 2019
Spring crocus. Photo: Julie Weisenhorn, UMN Extension
Are you thinking of planting some spring bulbs this fall? You might think about planting several kinds of bulbs which attract pollinators. These early flowering bulbs are sometimes the only flowers out in early spring and...
Jack Tillman and Annie Klodd from UMN check out Keepsake Cidery's orchard in September, 2019. Photo: Annie Klodd.
University of Minnesota Extension Educator Annie Klodd, in collaboration with researchers in...
September 06, 2019
Squash blossom. Photo: Natalie Hoidal, UMN Extension
We’ve heard multiple reports of pumpkin and squash plants not producing well this year. Some plants have no fruit at all, and others produced fewer fruit than usual.
If this happened in your garden, there are a few...